Why Bitcoin will help many people to tide over the next coming major financial crisis and minimise the prospect of deadly nuclear World War 3.

in #bitcoin7 years ago

Today's Topic: Why Bitcoin will help many people to tide over the next coming major financial crisis and minimise the prospect of deadly nuclear World War 3.

The emergence of Bitcoin & Cryptos began during the last financial crisis of 2007 - 2009, where those in the know are aware there needs to be a decentralised global value or monetary system of exchange, than just relying on global central banking which is controlled by the Elite 1% bankers, whom are also rich enough to control and buy off corrupt governments.

Almost the entire world is controlled by a single group of powerful and rich bankers, whom can bank roll corrupt governments as well buy off powerful military to take out those countries whom does not sign up ponzi global fiat currency monetary system - aka "terrorists countries".

It does not help that the majority enslaved by the ponzi debt based global monetary systems are dumb enough or bother to understand what money is all about, thereby allowing this ponzi scheme to turn them into modern day slavery, through debts, more debts, taxes, more taxes, interests and more interests.

Here comes Bitcoin & Cryptos, becoming an increasing threat to the ponzi global debt based monetary system, that is decentralised, where trade can now be bartered directly between 2 parties without going through banks.

Less that 1% owns 50% of all global wealth, this signal is a disaster to humanity as nations can be deployed to murder each other with money, as history had clearly shown.

Bitcoin is the decentralised tool and option for those awaken, unfortunately very few, that will assist in the wealth transfer to the masses.

The world spends 3 times what it can produces, only made possible by debt based ponzi global monetary system and enriched those at the top of the pyramid, while enslaving all those below.

The world is in 1 quad trillion (1,000,000,000,000) derivative debt, 70 trillion governmental, corporate and individual debts, that can never be repaid, thanks to the debt based monetary system that enslaved everyone.

Bitcoin will provide some reliefs for the very few already awaken, to help them tide over the coming history biggest financial crisis due to begin this year from 2018, well into 2025 at least, similar to what happened in 1923 - 28 to 1933.

Call it what you want Bitcoin is a scam, etc, after 2020, many people will think Bitcoin was send by "God" to save them.

The other alternative to solve this debt, is World War 3, where dead people does not tell stories, and history is written by the Victors.

I rest my case !!

Thank you.

David Lim. 14 March 2018