One Major Global Monetary Scam ending with Another Beginning?

in #bitcoin7 years ago

Today's Topic: One Major Global Monetary Scam ending with Another Beginning?

Many people are not aware the massive amount of both legal and illegal scams in action through out their lives.

Legal scams are scams that are allowed by those in power, to enrich themselves and their cronies besides keeping themselves in power and indulging in the wonders power & control can bring, including women (men?), wine & wealth.

Model of Legal scams usually operates in a manner where you are promised wealth at the end, but you pay your way to your bankruptcy and death, even when happened they also take it away from you.

Legal scams exist in the form of money, a piece of worthless paper make believe to the fools of society into something of value. In another word, slaves.

Paper money can also be used as one MAJOR form of global control, besides another Education,

Due to recent Bitcoin & Crypto dynamic rises in price, the massess, aka Slaves to the dollar, are rushing into them.

The Global Fiat Currency system is scheduled to end its run next year 2018, after history's longest legalised scam lasting 104 years.

To renew and continue its run, it is important to invent another, so that idiots and slaves can be fooled into believing this is the new normal. The SDR is supposed to have taken this role but it now looks likely Bitcoin and Crypto shall be assuming this role.

People whom knows nothing about Bitcoin and Crypto, and calling it a scam, actually knows nuts.

Everything we live in now are all scams. One just need to figure out if it is legal (authorised by powers in charge) or illegal (public).

The Federal Reserve Bank, whom print the USD as Reserve Global Currency, has no reserves or is a bank.

So welcome to Bitcoin & Crypto !

David Lim. 16 Dec 2017.


Yep, The Federal Reserve is neither federal nor does it have reserves. Yet we follow and want more of their worthless currency like the sheep we are.

Its a matter of time they collapse on top of themselves. I believe this will happen within 3 yrs by 2020.