Here again, its about Bitcoin & Cryptocurrency - Why you must owned some now, as soon as possible.

in #bitcoin6 years ago

Here again, its about Bitcoin & Cryptocurrency - Why you must owned some now, as soon as possible.

I noticed 2 categories of people writes about Bitcoin & Crypto-currency,

The first category are usually people whom knows little or nothing about it, and write accordingly to what they read in the mass Fake News media, hear what the others are saying, or simply imagine what they think about it.

This category are usually the educated, well educated or those whom think they are very smart, but unlikely street smart, whom knows nothing about money, history of money, gold and silver and the global ponzi fiat currency and reserve banking system.

The other category are the very powerful, governments, bankers, the elites, and those whom actually controls the global money fiat currency system, whom until now, does not have a real competitor to their printing money machines.

Bitcoin deploys decentralised digital monetary system that is very difficult to be fully controlled by one or small group of entity, compared to fiat currency that are controlled by global central banks, hidden powers and the deep state whom controls them and their governments.

Bitcoin is just a digital coin, like other coins and tokens, which can be used to scam people, but the blockchain technology behind it provides a trustless global system that can be deployed to prevent monetary corruption by the powerful, elites and especially corrupt governments whom can legalised corruption.

In other word, the populous now has a new global digital monetary system, that they can trade directly among themselves
honestly without having to pay anything to banks, governments and those so powerful that they can control almost everything in the world, except freewill.

These are the reasons why those in charge had nothing to good to say about Cryptocurrecy, because its a monster unleased that will unseat them soon.

Do not believe in whatever people say, especially the Fake News media you watch often on TV, they have their own hidden agenda to brain wash and mind control.

Get some Bitcoin and cryptocurrency now, the next GREAT BULL run is coming again, fake media call this a Bubble, from Oct 2018, and by the time the Fake News media starts to report this bubble, it may be too late for you to make some money back from all those inflation, interests rate increases, taxes, GST, etc, you paid to those in charge.

Thank you.

David Lim. Revelations. 2 Sept 2018.