Bitcoin set to rise again to US$20,000 in December 2018.

in #bitcoin6 years ago

Breaking News !! Bitcoin set to rise again to US$20,000 in December 2018.

I just received a message and vision from Justice Pao and was told to share this information to all, whom have suffer and suppressed under the global ponzi fiat currency system controlled by the hidden powers, bankers and legally corrupt governments, the 1% that controls 50% of total global wealth.

For the past over 100 years, especially escalating since 2007-2008, we are constantly robbed of our hard earned money by inflation, interests rate, all kinds of taxes, etc, to feed those whom are controlling our global monetary system and reserve banking system.

To under more about this, you can read my previous article by clicking here.

Justice Pao says this morning that Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency is invented to break this monopoly from them, allowing the man in the streets to take back what's been robbed from them for so long.

I was also shown this vision (see picture below) this morning at 11.06am, 8 October 2018.

Bitcoin prices was at US$19,500 on Jan 2018 and then crashed to US$5,800 bottomed 3 weeks ago.

Accordingly to this vision, it is going back to USD20,000 benchmark by US$20,000 by December 2018.

True or not remains to be seen but you need to understand why Bitcoin, Cryptocurrency comes about and why Blockchain is the future, to disrupt corrupt banking cartel and legally corrupted governments whom works for themselves and not for their nation and people.

Thank you.

David Lim. Revelation. 8 Oct 2018..