The elite club that the dude keeps referring to is really just the early investors that took on more risk for more reward. There is nothing wrong with this at all. They should be rewarded more for taking on more risk, when Bitcoin was in its infancy. That is the entire point.
I think perhaps Mar is confused between people having more Bitcoin versus people having more Steemit Power (or something similar). Bitcoin is not the same as this, because Bitcoin is simply a currency. Steemit Power has the ability to influence the Steemit platform, and thus in this setting Mar's perspective does have merit.
As for more general thoughts on ICOs, you have the correct idea Ivan. I am new to the game, but just as in any market, you need to evaluate the functional aspects of a coin in order to address its validity. Scam coins are mostly easy to avoid because they won't have anything extra to offer, and their developers on Github don't do anything meaningful. Essentially, pay attention to ICOs which actually have a niche to offer in the marketplace. There is no guarantee that they will be successful (potentially other ICOs will compete with them in that niche, or that niche is not as important as we assumed), but because they have a niche, their chance for dominance is far greater.