Seeking Your Passions & How Business Will Help You Profit From Cryptos...

in #bitcoin6 years ago (edited)

Was asked in a private group today about a lack of passions. Well if you haven't found your passion, don't worry! It'll come! Do everything, find out what you like doing and by going through the journey of business you'll naturally figure out what you like doing and how your bizzes can enable you to do it for fun!

So don't force it and for the love of Elon, DON'T set up a business around your passion. The biz will kill your passion! Trust me on this. I've killed 4 passions by setting up businesses around them!

The tenuous link here to Cryptos is that so many Crypto investors are frustrated that their Risk Capital in Cryptos is only £50-500. I hear comments all the time like,"It's ok for you Siam, your Risk Capital is like £300k". They FEEL their Risk Capital it isn't enough, so they then over-extend themselves and put up to 100% of their wealth in Cryptos. This then means they get super agitated whenever Cryptos drop 10% and the stress is even worse when they suddenly find themselves up 300%+ They don't know what to do! When you make 5-20 times your annual salary in like a week you become as wreckless on the markets as you are when you're 70%+ down. It's a fascinating experience to behold.

So you have to understand that if you're planning on making big bucks in Cryptos, you actually first need to make big bucks indirectly through setting up a profitable business. That way, every month your wealth keeps increasing. So in order to maintain say a 10% allocation in Cryptos, you then end up having to buy more Cryptos every month from your surplus cashflows. This is obviously a champagne situation and it will take you 5-10 years to get to that position, but when you do, it helps you keep your cool during market craziness.

So the takeaway point here is that there is NO RUSH in making your profits in this market. Aim to get profitable in biz first and you'll then be able to take safer and bigger swings at Cryptos or any other opportunities that come about.

For those interested in getting into biz, I'd seriously recommend doing this:

It'll blow your mind...