Bitcoin keeps me motivated!!

in #bitcoin8 years ago

"What is life going to be like in 20 years with 10bitcoins?!" Like most of you, I'm hoping that they will be worth 2.5 to 5million USD. Now I know thats dreaming big, but right now, for a guy thats currently working at a walmart distribution center making $21/hour thats what i'm banking on. In fact, Bitcoin is currently my driving force to stay on top of my shit and be as succesfull and productive as I possibly can be each day. Ever since I got into the crypto-world I've been obsessed, constantly trying to learn about everything I can and whenever I seem to figure out something I just find more crypto-shit and blockchain technology that blows my mind! With all this new and exciting technology coming out it has been forcing me to keep up to date with it while being extremely motivated to acquire as much bitcoin as I possibly can. My current goal is to get 10 bitcoin before they become to expensive... I believe if I can get up to 10 bitcoin, I will at least be able to retire and live off of at least 100k a year for the rest of my life (:

my current progress is: .05/10 BTC
next time to buy more BTC: may 18th (Hopefully my check will bring me up to 1 bitcoin!!)

I need 10 BTC to make it into the top 1% of bitcoin holders (:

10 - 100BTC --- 130629 0.77% (0.87%) 4,347,173 BTC 7,399,410,416 USD 26.63% (89.67%)
^^ Bitinfocharts richlist ^^


Keep accumulating Bitcoin mate. Its still very early days. I have not noticed any press/media coverage other than in the alt media space. Crypto's could potentially attract money away from the stockmarket when they gain more awareness amongst investors, and contiuned price appreciation will mean that it wont be long before people catch on. With such a limited number of Bitcoin, the price appreciation could make the last few months look very ordinary. Hold and accumulate.

thanks for the comment man, I appreciate it! I'm gonna keep a strong hand and acquire as many as possible. I believe if we can make it to the $10,000 mark, that's when we're going to start seeing a lot of new money in the crypto-space... Im just trying to catch up to the earlier investors before the bitcoin clock goes boom haha. Best of luck to you man, and thanks again for the encouragement!