Bitcoin, or more generally cryptocurrency, is an important advancement and potentially massively disruptive, in ways that can't now be predicted, much like how the impacts of the internet couldn't have been accurately predicted.
I think it's a really important shift in the power balance, shifting some power from a corrupt government and financial sector. It comes at a time when change is needed.
Be careful also of people who tell you that it will solve all the worlds ills. I actually find the disruptive potential of the currency quite overwhelming, but that's why I choose to engage with it in my business Coin Forest, rather than ignoring
Like so many technologies, it enable both generosity and malice. There is a massive black market served with bitcoin, but there is also tremendous culture of generosity within bitcoin. It's this generosity that I choose to focus on, and hope to encourage.
For example, on reddit you can "tip" with real money, as casually as you might upvote an answer:This is a micropayment, and it's a very interesting possibility, for which the ramifications aren't clear. Normally, any online transaction less than about $5 isn't worth the effort of entering your credit card information.
i pray to God of your success in future may God bless you and give you more and more thanks have a good day