
Right?! Why does bitcoin exist? I have wondered that many times myself. It is very, very, VERY rare for someone to just, you know, invent some revolutionary new way (like the change the world way) of doing money.

No big deal.

Founders of Bitcoin unknown. Total secret.

WTF? I personally think the bitcoin thing is super shady. The ONE thing I absolutely love about what bitcoin brought was the blockchain but when we still don't know who Satoshi is, then that's where you lose me. Completely.

How in the hell does someone or some group create a blockchain which is ALL about transparency and then ghost itself?

That's why I left bitcoin and started looking at other cryptos. Unless/ until it is revealed who Satoshi is, then I am out.

Well, at least this is a sign that the comments are working again.

"Any clue why bitcoin even exists?"

If this is a serious question, then a serious answer is because banks/government suck.

Bitcoin is only worth what it is worth to others.
If you can buy laptops with bitcoin, cool, bitcoin has a value.

But don't sit on one side calling banks greedy corporations, and then on the other quote some rich asshole who bought a tone of bitcoin and states that the currency is awesome.
If people take bitcoin more seriously, the value he invested into it increases.

"other quote some rich asshole who bought a tone of bitcoin and states that the currency is awesome."

If this is aimed at me, it confirms my suspicion you did not read the article.

Or the rest of my blog, for that matter.

lol... no not at all... i dint evenknow u brother... i was just goin thruthe blog... cuttthe crap... i was just curious about it ... thats y...

fairies and the bank collapse its not a religion

Because money hasn't had a major technological advance since the invention of paper money a thousand years ago in China.