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RE: Get Your Mining On: It Still Appears The GTX 1070 Reigns King Even with GTX 1080ti's Floating Around

in #bitcoin8 years ago

hey @dutch sorry for the very month long response lol. Not getting my alerts well here on Steemit and just happened to come across our comment while I was about to repost this to my personal Twitter account to reshare the 1070 analysis, still seems to be the GPU sweet spot for NVIDIA miners.

This analysis was mainly based on card alone and wattage spent through a i7 windows system I have running. So I am not really sure how it would be paired against say a system running on a low powered rig with say Linux or a even lower build like the mining specific Linux builds out there which may actually change the analysis as compared to the crazy waste of power that windows can factor in sometimes.

I view it like this and actually put this into my personal factors for mining where most probably don't, I run 2 Asus GTX 1080s and 2 GTX 1060s only because I kind of built my gaming rig between cards but I run the 1080s on overload and overclock even though I know I am wasting power in the mix. My reasoning lately is due to the rise of cryptos across the board and I figure take the hit on costs for savings later and grab all I can. So if you kind of factor in speculation and personal hopes, then sometimes cost factors mean even less against personal beliefs for the future lol. But good ideal to test the theory on this with the 1080ti's against power consumption of the system as a whole. Sadly these benchmarks are more geared from pro benchmark testing and less personal because I have no 1080ti's to text. I am on 1080 advanced versions which I kind of think I should have gotten myself becaues VR games I play and think the ti would max me out better than the advanced versions lol. I spolit my system between mining and gaming till I can get a standalone rig built lol. But its time to go that route soon


No worries at all, I think Steemit notifications have been buggered for a while. Thank you so much for the detailed response - totally agree with taking a hit now and waiting on the crypto market cap to rise!