I am selling low to take part, yes. That is my point. I am willing to show my faith through these actions for now. We don't know where the market will take us yet, and I want to be involved. I've spent my life partially removed from society because of a poor financial history. A big part of that problem is the federal reserve, and the laws surrounding the USD. The current financial powers that be make the rules that keep them in power, and drive the rest of us into poverty. I am viewing this as a chance to get out ahead of something, and play even a miniscule part. I am making pennies for now, but I don't want pennies; USD failed me. I want crypto.
Edit: But hey, if you think I'm selling low, maybe you should hire me for something.
Where are you? We could use some farm-labor!
I actually have back problems, wouldn't suit me. Is this a joke?