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RE: Why is the crypto market tanking? Or is it? Could Ethereum tripple in value in 2018? And more!

in #bitcoin7 years ago

Tradingpars ETH and BCH..I'm sure markets will adapt. As of right now I don't even need Bitcoin for anything. It literally sucks. When I want to take profits from steem or another alt coin I first have to trade it for bitcoin on an exchange. Then do an extra step by selling Bitcoin for something that is transferrable to other exchanges like Litecoin. This makes us lose money on extra trading fees. It's not that bad for exchanges though as they make money off of it.

But for me, Bitcoin is useless as of now. But it's really hard to get rid of it. It would be like a divorce. But me holding Bitcoin right now is really just muh feelings and not objective thought. Perhaps the only rational idea that keeps me clinging to Bitcoin is that I guess there is some hope it can be temporarilly fixed and then go for another moon-trip. But..yeah, Bitcoin is one of the coins that I have that I'm least bullish on.

6 months ago I was all so much. And I see that general trend as well all over the place.


Like everything in tech, it can never be assumed something will forever remain top dog. Things that were ubiquitous come and go, AOL, MySpace...

Bitcoin could fix itself and come back into my portfolio but I doubt it. They are betting it all on the Lightning Network and I don't like the way it centralises things with payment gateways.

If you asked me a month ago I would have said BCH but I'm not seeing the trading pairs for BCH. Binance and the new alt-coin exchanges are all adding ETH trading pairs. I think the market has spoken for now and ETH will be the new king in 2018 until its own scaling issues come to a head.

ETH 2018 would be very nice