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RE: We all know the Bitcoin price is manipulated, but is it deeper than that?

in #bitcoin7 years ago

bitcoin dot com which really does not cover up its bias. While Bitcoin dot com is very probitcoincash, its does not tell the whole truth in their posts.Hmm....while I do disagree with you the fact that Bitcoin cash is Bitcoin, the censorship goes both ways. r/btc ,

And it never been confirmed that Satoshi gave the mantle of bitcoin to Gavin. But Gavin did have huge support from the community, the r/bitcoin was not as strong as right now well it was strong just not enough. Bitcoin XT got huge support until the Huge hack on the XT nodes. The bitcoin(core) dev did not agree with them so they did not code but was it their fault for the hack? XT had huge support.

And who said that no one in the bitcoin community did not say there is a problem. Every one knew that. Why else was there two diff scaling plans off chain and on chain. Segwit was the off chain temporary solution to the high fee problem. It would of worked if adoption happened and had their not been a HF thus making many exchanges/wallets work to support the BCH claim bc people wanted the free money. This is one reason the Bitcoin community is still angry at the BCH community.

And Gavin Andresen is not the only big dev in the fromer united Bitcoin community.

Adam Black a guy mentioned in the bitcoin and bittorrent white paper is probitcoin and is helping fund the LN.

Nick Szabo the father of bitgold(one of the main tech that inspired Bitcoin) and smartcontracts.

And many more.

This conflict of names won't end unless Bitcoin cash stops saying it is Bitcoin. Instead it can say it will be the real Bitcoin after it beats Bitcoin. That would cut down on 60-70% the ridicule that BCH faces.

The remaining well then just be an argument over which tech is better.