Yes it is! Do be careful though as there is a chance a split might be coming down at the end of the summer. I have read several authors displaying some warnings on the platform. Never bet everything on one horse ;)!
Yes it is! Do be careful though as there is a chance a split might be coming down at the end of the summer. I have read several authors displaying some warnings on the platform. Never bet everything on one horse ;)!
This thing is going to fork harder than two lesbians with Brillo pad fetishes.
😂just followed you!
Hahahaha...this might be the first time in human history that those words have been strung together in that order.
That, my friend, deserves an upvote :)
Probably a completely original statement!...had I been talking about lesbians and spooning tho, then there's a much greater possibility of overlap at some point in history!
Thats probably the only reason it hasn't hit 5k yet.😉
EDIT: it feels good!
Thanks! Just followed you!