
Question how much battery are you using, and what is the ratio of when you are getting all your power from the PV array and when you are needing to run off battery power?

There are no batteries, it's a grid-tie setup it's constantly feeding my house, in other words the grid act like my battery Bank.

So maybe you answer this in the videos (I haven't watched them yet) But how much energy do you get of the PV-panels and how much are you getting from your grid.

This is fantastic. Love the set up. I had some USB antminers running off solar for a year, now just moved my recently bought S7-LN, which hashes at 2.7Th from my study to the loft. The noise was simply too much, along with a 600w air cooler. So now it runs out of hearing range.
This has made me think in the winter months, I could duct the output air into the house from the loft. You obviously worked out pressures of what they can do here, do you think I could leave the intake as is and run duct directly down into the house? if so, what kind of length would be a max before I start hitting problems.
I would think 6ft of ducting is acheivable, just wondered yours or any others thoughts on this.