How To Easily Get Fiat For Your Bitcoin

in #bitcoin7 years ago

The fairly recent TenX ICO brought a lot of attention to one of the biggest problems facing cryptocurrencies: Spending them!

However, TenX wasn't the first project working to solve this problem, they just brought a lot of attention to it!

There are many other projects which have already been launched, or are about to be launched which allow holders of Bitcoin, Dash, Litecoin, Ethereum and many other tokens, to load pre-paid debit and credit cards that operate on popular credit card networks such as the Visa network. For a small fee, you can now take money out of any bank machine in the world that is linked with the Visa network. You can also pay at any store that accepts credit cards. This means you can now spend your cryptocurrency to do things like pay your landlord or buy bananas. Keep an eye on projects like Monaco and PundiX