
I'm interested to see what happens to bitcoin in 2018 as well. I think that savvy investors have seen that bitcoin is simply the namesake that has promoted blockchain, even satoshi probably didn't expect it to be where it is today. Those 'savvy' investors as well as myself have diversified their coin holdings, I'm feeling good about steemit since it has a few interfaces allowing actual user interactions.

For those just hearing about bitcoin and to my horror have invested funds which they cannot afford to lose into it in hopes of being a part of the next wave may find themselves cursing bitcoin and blockchain. Though This is likely not the year of the crash it would be wise to observe catalysts from previous bubbles such as DOT com and tulip mania. How can we prevent such massive losses as seen by previous bubbles? OR do we let those with ignorant knowledge lose their shirts?

Steem's price would have to go to 500 usd to match the ethereum max market cap. OR 2100 usd to reach facebook's market cap. I think that means steem has lots of growth potential and would be a good place to transfer some of the btc people who bought it with debt might still be able to pay it off

I agree @macmaniac. There is a huge upside to STEEM. I am on record with $100 by year end....there is nothing that can stand in the way of that.

The user growth is incredible and as long as people are making money, that will continue. We are seeing a lot of development coming out on the app side. There are exciting updates which will be added to the blockchain, hopefully, this quarter. And the world is embracing crypto more each day.

That is an excellent idea. Otherwise these people will lose everything.

I already promote Steem to people when they ask about btc. No need to buy cryptos. Join for free. Comment and earn.

This is what Steem was designed for after all, a free on ramp into the crypto economy.