Order 200 th/s Hashflare.io Contract on 12/XX/2017 Lets see what I get in 1 year. 3 Month Updated ROI: Achieved 69 Days.

in #bitcoin7 years ago (edited)

Update 3rd #Month of #cloudmining

ROI was achieved on the 69th day of contract.
Those good 0.022btc ~ 0.025btc was paying off faster then expected.

Screenshot-2018-2-16 Panel HashFlare Cloud Dashboard.png

Let's see its actually pretty exact, mat-fees make up the targeted 1.42 btc original #investment with discount code in December 2017. Switching from Pools #BTChina, #f2pool, #slush a bunch.

Screenshot-2018-2-16 History HashFlare Cloud Dashboard.png

The only changes is the #market value and difficulty minus the cost of $70 fee in mat-fees. Earning about $115 dollars in bitcoin a day after current #market price of $500 but guess what? We are at $10000 again! #Bull run coming!

My #withdrawl went though easily for 0.6 bitcoin into my #offline created brain wallets.

Right now I'm averaging with #BTC back from its lows of the $6000 to now $11000 nearly a coin on random exchanges, and #coinbase still #fakestreammedia like always #shilling with #Fud.

Even #VISA said COINBASE was #scamming #people. Look, you can't earn $10 free in #bitcoins."

#Bitcoins #blockchain give nothing FOR #FREE. You need to #MINE it off the blockchain. What your getting is FREE #BANKER #FIAT #MONEY? Sorry The bankers pay me at a higher rate then $10.00 in #crypto.

Such shills.

But I got #faith in bitcoin. I rather mine and #stronghodl it then want #fraud #dollars printed #infinite. One day you won't have to #exchange for dollars anymore.

Join now its going to $25,000 to $40,000 easily by end of year.
And if some shit hits the fan $100,000~$200,000 don't say it can't happen.https://hashflare.io/r/F17D4B97

It went from $800 to $20,000 just this last year in 2017.
Those gains can even be possible at $10,000 right now thought 2018.

#toothemoon #itsover9000 #infinityandbeyond #fuckyourico #shitcrypto

Better start mining at a #discount.