Lot's of Coin in our cryptocurrency market with different -different projects but I choose DGB(Digibyte) .
DGB have standard cryptocurrency feature like Bitcoin or Ethereum but when I show chart of DGB on coinmarketcap
So I see its is too volatile coin & Price fluctuation.
So I did it my first investment in Altcoin.
I bought 3022 DGB Coin (330 Satoshi per coin & 0.01 BTC Value) on 26-June-2018
Today 4-July-2018 Sell All Coin on 450( satoshi per dgb) and Make 33% Profit with Digibyte and now my bitcoin balance 0.013 BTC
This is my first trade in Altcoin.
I am very happy.
Please Suggest me best coin to invest
Pururaj Singh
That's a good start! Invest on Steem as well. I've earned some with Steem. You can also use Steem to power up, if you want to take Steeming seriously :)
Thanks @chuckler