Change.Org Petition Urges Amazon to Accept Bitcoin

in #bitcoin8 years ago


For bitcoin to gain mainstream acceptance as a currency, it is vital that cryptocurrency advocates convince retailers to begin accepting bitcoin payments. It is also necessary that people begin making bitcoin payments at those businesses, lest they drop bitcoin as a payment option.

Thankfully, many retailers have demonstrated openness to accepting cryptocurrency payments. TigerDirect, Newegg, Overstock, and Dish Network are just a few of the household names who accept bitcoin.

Bitcoin acceptance has also progressed rapidly outside the United States. Japanese bitcoin marketplace bitFlyer estimates as many as 300,000 Japanese businesses could adopt bitcoin payments by the end of 2017. This summer, Russian e-commerce giant Ulmart plans to accept bitcoin as well.

Now, a new petition seeks to land the “white whale” of cryptocurrency payments, Amazon. The petition, which is addressed to Amazon founder and CEO Jeff Bezos, urges the digital conglomerate to accept bitcoin and litecoin payments.

The petition says that by accepting cryptocurrency Amazon would increase their customers’ quality of life:


Yes they should definitely ride with the times.. i mean they dont even accept paypal as yet! Great post thanks