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RE: Bitcoin Cloud Mining - initiated!

in #bitcoin6 years ago

Didn't found answer on their page so I'll ask here, as you signed up for their offer: can you select mining pool you want to use?
If not, then it's a big no, because:

  1. You can't verify if they're actually mining with adequate hashpower
  2. You lose all profits from coins that supports merge-mining with BTC

Hi pozmu! Thanks for checking!

  1. We do not offer selection of mining pools, but still you can check numbers on, let's say, pool (that's the pool we mine at) and see that this is the very same amount you get on FlyMining. We did our own research and pool was the one consistently paying a little more than other pools

  2. We tried it, but it proved to be less profitable because it comes at unreasonable expense of lowering BTC output. Do you have an example when merged mining is more profitable?

Thank you!