
Author of it wasnt clear to me until he hinted me on it. I got this report from a friend so I thought it was his, but I guess he also copied it from his suscription, I am going to add the source and probably going to talk to my friend. I heard of cases where people got sued having copied images not from Getty image but were getty image had the copy right. Personally I as cryptoanarchist I would feel honoured if someone spreading and sharing my ideas. Musicians stopped sueing people for using their music, because costs are higher then rewards. Mastering Bitcoin from Andreas is completly under creative commons and it creates more revenue when its open source. Music used to be done the same way like your newsletter only people who paid were aloud to hear it. In todays world that sounds pervert. Copyright is something of the middle age and it doesnt belong in todays worlds. Movies get shared without licence most movies are not viewed from paid people, but the movie makers still make the money. Copyright of books staying for 75 years after person died is completly outdated conventions its not written in stone. Should I get some payment from it then I wouldnt mind giving it to the owner. But wont stop posting it, I rather talk with the author and ask if I can do affiliate marketing for it, because I think the content is pretty good and worth sharing, if people want to donate they can do it

We don't like rewarding plagiarism here. Please don't do it again.