Bitcoin and the Number 6250

in #bitcoin6 years ago (edited)

As you may have noticed, Bitcoin has been moving up and around some sort of support/resistance line lately.

6250 1h.png

As we take a closer look, we see that this line is the Round Number 6250.

6250 has some certain 'feel' about it, but what makes it so 'special'?

Let's examine this number in more detail:

6250 = 10 x 625


625 = 25 x 25

so 6250 = 10 x 25 x 25

and 25 being 5 x 5

6250 = 10 x 5x 5 x 5 x5

But 6250 has also a special relationship to that other round number 1250

6250 = 5 x 1250


1250 = 2 x 625


1250 = 5 x 250

It seems the Powers of 5 are at work here.

So let us put these in the charts and see what we get:

6250 3d.png

Since Bitcoin hasn't (yet found) any connection to things outside itself to compare its value to, it has to stick to relating to itself and to 'magickal' numbers for the time being.

Now 6250 = 2 x 5 x 5 x 5 x 5 x 5 = 2 times 5 to the power 5

The next in the series of

2 - 10 - 50 - 250 -1250 - 6250 would be 31250

But this number hasn't that beautiful 'ring' about it like its predecessors in the series.

31250 = 2 times 5 to the power 6, and so the magical circle of 5 is broken.

Some people have tried to tame the Power of 5 by the unholy hexagram.

But as we all know, this has only led to evil doing and disaster on a global scale.


Great sir.
Thanks for sharing.

Wow, what a through study.. Appreciable

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 6 years ago  Reveal Comment