Don't let the whiny weasels convince you Steem is dying, the entire market is down, not Steem in particular. Yes, activity is down, but once price levels up, activity will resume. If it were up to me, I'd be a lot more active here!!! ☻

Sitting on Pins & Needles!
...and maybe an egg? (A gold egg would be nice!)It's getting really uncomfortable seeing the market like this, but a big move is coming soon, so hold on tight!

This fellow is 70% bearish about the upcoming move
(For informational purposes only!) ☻
Will I ever get back on track?
A year ago this month, I released two hysterically funny animated videos... This year I'm struggling to even post weekly. I used to be ranked in the top 200 posters for consistent creation & interaction, now I'm a has-been.
And btw almost all my SP is either moved to Steem or delegated out, so my votes are now trash... Thanks for understanding! :)
I think you're more in 'incubation' phase then a has-been jeez! Transformation needs gathered focus. I rry to work hard to spread your vote while you incubate! That 'chicken market' is hilarious a total cryoto market term 🐥. The best is yet to come friend! ✌ and, please vote steem at the Netcoin Contest if you haven't already!
You are definitely not a has-been. You're just hibernating. Life happens. 💛

PS, "chicken market" is so perfect. Chickens with their heads cut off, even.
At least he's not a chicken....
I don't know how to appreciate you for your kindness towards me...
Thanks a lot for delegating steem power to me — I really appreciate your generosity, @overkillcoin
And I want to appreciate my great friend, @josediccus who pleaded on my behalf. Thanks!!!
Glad to help! I think it's important to respect new users and make them welcome here :)
Yes, that's true — you have a great heart. It's very important
I would have given up on steemit, if there aren't any solution to the problem (steem power) I had earlier. Couldn't comment or post earlier till you came for my rescue — I'm glad to have you on this platform, @overkillcoin
Thanks once again!
Hope you don't mind tagging you sometimes on any of my post?
Hello!!! You can tag me on posts. I'm not as active as I used to be here, but I try to comment each day at least.
Hopefully they'll resolve the resource credit issue. I believe they're working on a solution, but the hard fork has had some very unfortunate results...
Okay, no problem.
I pray the issue will be resolve soon enough!
Thanks a lot...
I appreciate your prayers boss, my life is very complicated and difficult :)
All is well with you dear friend, @overkillcoin! Take good care of yourself.
hola amigo bonito arte y admiro tu creatividad
hey man, been awhile!
see you with little activity here makes me think that you are doing well with your customers, I hope so
Not exactly, work is still pretty sickly (despite a few busy weeks) so I'm struggling to find other options. Clients are fond of being indecisive, causing long delays and paying VERY slowly...
My business is barely surviving, it's a real mess right now.
Are you on the discord by the way?
the clients always look for the way to bother, you can find me in discord my a.k.a is jjuuaanchoo # 7724
I am getting restless about the price of BTC Sir @overkillcoin
It's a very sad year for those who didn't sell early on :(
Hi, sweetie, how are you? If I understand what you're doing
Hopefully come a great movement!
and all this will improve a little, I wish I would sit on a golden egg, it would be the chicken of the gold eggs!
Your vote is little, but it is because you have helped others and that many people thank you!
I like the visual for the chicken market the most so far xD It's so energetic!
That chicken's nest egg is hanging in the balance. Crash or Sky-rocket? It's easy to be emotional in this sick market XD
I have long wanted to ask you what do you think about Steam clones (Weku, Whaleshares) and others?
And of course I support your activity))) with my activity)
I generally don't like the idea, there's a slight chance they actually have some improvements they're implementing, but I tend to see it as, "Me too! me too! I want to run my own version of Steem! Gimme your code. Yay! I'll be RICH!" ...when will the madness end? A new Steem clone every month? Week?
At least fakebook, twitter, instagram, pinterest, youtube are all unique and didn't have to grab someone else's code... Lame!
And at least Ono, Minds and Trybe have some originality to them. Smokie.io has a specific theme to it, so that made some sense for them to branch off. Out of the clones, that one seems to have a real purpose behind it.
I did sign up for a few clown — i mean — clone sites... mostly to grab the "overkillcoin" name... but 1) I don't have time for them and 2) I'm not very passionate about supporting a rip-off.
I may eventually be a little more present on them, but definitely half-heartedly.
I am confused they don't have own face, original idea
And I'm afraid steemit has a chance to be lost between clones
It will take a while for those freaks to catch up... and ask yourself this... has litecoin ever caught up with bitcoin?
If you are really frightened you can sell some steem at the next market high point and protect your profits I guess
It's not about profit))) I just wanted to hang out here a little longer
With Ned's announcement of Destiny Steemit will surely be lost. Change is a constant in this chicken market 🐓 ....but until then...
As long as it's on the Steem blockchain, I'm fine with whatever he names it :D
Now is the time to be posting and making steem while it is quiet and low. Then cook it and see it rise! Enjoyed your caricature artistry @overkillcoin
It is understandable that the market at this time is not in its best position however there are those who do not understand and decide to leave the community days I have even weeks because they do not see profitable due to low rewards, I think at this time is when we see who really are for the love of commitment and not profit in any way is an excellent illustration
I will take a has-been any day! No one can continuously post every day. Even engagement on here has to take back seat to the real world. It's just nice to see your artwork when you do have time to post. Life for me never seems to slow down any so I understand the challenge of trying to balance both real world/steemit world.
I never did quite understand what a bull, bear and now chicken market meant. You simplified it and I really do like that quacking chicken. Lol.
I don't think I knew, really, what they were till 2011ish...
I hate the real world, my clients are all shifty, unreliable basket cases! I desperately need a do-over in life, but damage control will have to do :D
I'm trying to sell my art through online stores as well as make ad revenue and maybe even expand my blogging horizons... I'd rather do that than end up at a crummy job that's even worser than graphic design XD
Take care, and thanks for dropping by! :)