that list of express articles couldn't aim any more to stop affluent middle aged people from liquidating their pension pots to buy bitcoin !! hilarious
fuelled by Corbynistas ? ! all those Jeremy Fans who work for JP Morgan and trade on the side in crypto. Hilarious!
THEY'RE SHITTING THEMSELVES>.. that is paraphrased directly from someone very high up at one of the world's biggest accountancy firms. They don't know what to do about it. they basically can't do anything.
crypto is a drop in the ocean so the major financial institutions don't take it seriously YET
Yeah they tick every box with those headlines in the fear department don't they. I think the thing that could have a massive impact and will make it look like it was a bubble from day one with be Wall Street, pumping the price up, ready to crash it to cash in on their futures contracts.
let's hope the future is with us on this ! I think if it all comes tumbling down.. the whole world will empty their piggy banks. and there will be no stopping it then !