actually I just read this article in full. the app is really nice, simple. It had a bit of trouble updating the coin prices, initially but seems to have ironed out now. well done.
I do indeed have a few green ticks on this list. let's come back in 6 years !
one thing I must mention. You spoiled a really great article, with the hot chick who you now found out was an ugly fat blob. As well as being an incredibly poor metaphor, it's just not very nice and really took the edge off a good read by sounding a bit immature. I hope you don't take that the wrong way, but when you're an app developer (& I am a start up mentor, so it's just a bit of free advice,) it doesn't give your brand identity much kudos when you lower the tone. I mean, keep it professional and you've potentially got your own winner there.
Cool, thanks for the advise! English is not my first language so I know I sometimes sound harsh. In latin cultures fat shaming is not a cardinal sin like in the US, it's more of a joke where everyone, including the butt of the joke, laughs :) I tried to keep my article a bit humorous and light because the topic is serious and kind of complicated for most people. I'll be removing that part. regards
My pleasure. I think you have a great app and I wouldn't want people to be put off from using it. I hope it works out for you. The blockchain cannot easily be edited and your comments could come back to haunt you ! I'm glad you've edited it :) (I'm from Liverpool, UK) we also have a tradition of self deprecation and making fun.