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RE: Not picking on Bitcoin, I love Ford's Model T too!

in #bitcoin7 years ago (edited)

Hi Stan, I had a little think and I have come to the conclusion BitShares needs a name change, it isn't catchy enough and it is a full ecosystem now, not just shares.
Should it not be called something that resembles a fair and safe banking opportunity.
If u want the average Joe to invest we must be able to tell them to go to the new decentral bank in town, a name that connects to heroes as well as to the fact that banking doesn't have to be done through third parties.

How about:

BE (BitShares eco)

now you can BE your own bank
BE a Hero
BE a stock market

BitShares is a tough name to market, it is big, sounds to complicated and doesn't feel connected to anything.
Heroes Bitusd etc.. the names don't connect to the core system, it makes it complicated.

I know changing the name is a pain in the backside, but it will also draw a lot of attention to the crypto world, it will show that things are moving forward!
Whilst also making it easier to sell to those who find bit and shares two scary words.