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RE: The World of Cryptocurrency - Bitcoin's Last Stand

in #bitcoin7 years ago

If someone is saying his investment in Bitcoin grew up x1000 times, do not think this will also happen to yours. Do you really believe in $10 mln bitcoin?

In your life time?



@onealfa what do you think or make of the upward trend of bitcoin?

well @bismark1 here is what I truly believe 1BTC will reach:

30-60K for Christmas 2018

300K-600K by end 2020

@onealfa are you speculating that bitcoin will get to the listed values by the stated years Or are those your expected gain?

My sugestion - stop see this as the value of Bitcoin is increasing. NO ! That what we see is the dramatic DROP of all FIAT money value , all at once, in synchro, world-wide. That drop been long awaited. Until it is now happening.@bismark1 Those are my expected values of 1 Bitcoin. As you see my guess is far from Jonh McCafees , yet I still would not bet on my d*ck :)

Did you ever believe that bitcoin could reach to 10k$ when it only worth 10 $?


absolutelly YES
I believed in 10K, no, more... in $100+K since it was only $2My answer to this question @viat0r is

Bitcoin can if it just has a straight clear run with no obstacles, but like life its going to be full of them.

But when you add in all the rich trying to get richer then there will always be fluctuations and the competitors (other altcoins) having the chance to gain the upper edge.

olaexcelente video

if he can do it, why not me?

Yeah, weirdly, I do - because we don't have a precedent for these currencies that no one controls - so I think things that seem infeasible to us at the moment, could easily happen...

mcafee thinks it will be there in 3 years.