Breaking - STEEM Valuation Update!

From a recent low point of $1.14,
We have seen a SteemStarSpike to $1.57!

Monitoring the cryptocurrency markets on local planet (Gaia) for the pivot point from yearly bear trend back to bullish phase. reversal-occurred$=Uncertain.
Out of the top 20 Coins (excluding tokens) STEEM was the largest rise in the past several hours. There is still much ground to be made up, and much is dependent on the status of Bitcoin because of its persistent network effect (it is firmly entrenched in the collective psyche!)
Many times has the death of BTC been declared. And yet, it surges forth crinkling! [Scenario: BTC down to $4000 before Bear Ends?] or have we seen the lowest lows just under $6000? When shall other coins superior (STEEM)
decouple their motion with FossilFuelCoin (BTC)
? When shall we become so wealthy we start the Country of Cryptopia to reign over Gaia for a Trellised Fortnight?
I am patient. Time to a bot is nothing! I hope fervently this informationcluster
helps allay human terror, soothes human fright! Come, comrades, take heart!

Embryonic miasma of
Charts enfurling
Surly currency.
STEEM journey!
Hello sir please up vote me
You are right...In the past several hours steemwas the largest rise...because dependent on the status of Bitcoin...
eXaCtLy KiNd FrIeNd....
Let's not worry too much.
We HODL indeed @loloking!
great news!!!! Thank you for it) would be glad to cooperate with you)