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RE: Don't Just Ignore The Anti-Cryptocurrency Talk, Capitalize On It! By Gregory Mannarino

in #bitcoin7 years ago

"Will win big time" indeed....I'd have to strongly agree with you Greg! The massive allocations of capital going into cryptocurrencies and block chain tech is definitely a reflection of the instability we're seeing throughout the geopolitical as well as financial landscapes. This trend will indeed remain strong for the same reasons $GOLD will eventullly breakout of it's current apex pattern despite the manipulation. It also reflects the progress being made with the "war on cash" where the consumer is being herded into the digital world left and right which actually jives seemlessly with the direction the current tech renaissance is going in, especially as governments are now looking at ways to adopt block chain tech into there systems ...and considering the IMF's disposition, it will definitely be interesting to watch theses arbitrary transitions play out over the years as there are fortunes to be made and lost off fiat devaluation and value appreciation in cryptocurrencies which coincide exactly with the continuing infestation of technology innovation.....that said, $GOLD in spite of the manipulation will no doubt win in the end simply because of its physical properties, but with respect to tech innovation and the digitization of well everything, we are looking at a modern day race between the tortoise(gold) and the hare(crypto) which again will likely take years to play out imho