ECB Proposes End To Deposit Protection + Todays Financial News+ Crypto Market Watch + Data Dump

in #bitcoin7 years ago (edited)

I. ECB Proposes End To Deposit Protection

It is the ‘opinion of the European Central Bank‘ that the deposit protection scheme is no longer necessary:

 ‘covered deposits and claims under investor compensation schemes should be replaced by limited discretionary exemptions to be granted by the competent authority in order to retain a degree of flexibility.’

To translate the legalese jargon of the ECB bureaucrats this could mean that the current €100,00085,000) deposit level currently protected in the event of a bail-in may soon be no more. But worry not fellow savers, as the ECB is fully aware of the uproar this may cause so they have been kind enough to propose that:

 “…during a transitional period, depositors should have access to an appropriate amount of their covered deposits to cover the cost of living within five working days of a request.”

So that’s a relief, you’ll only need to wait five days for some ‘competent authority’ to deem what is an ‘appropriate amount’ of your own money for you to have access to in order eat, pay bills and get to work.
The above has been taken from an ECB paper published on 8 November 2017 entitled ‘on revisions to the Union crisis management framework’.
Bail-ins, who are they for?

Why change the bail-in rules?
The ECB’s 58-page amendment proposal is tough going but it is about halfway through when you come across the suggestion that ‘covered deposits’ no longer need to be protected. This is determined because the ECB is concerned about a run on the failing bank:

 If the failure of a bank appears to be imminent, a substantial number of covered depositors might still withdraw their funds immediately in order to ensure uninterrupted access or because they have no faith in the guarantee scheme.

This could be particularly damning for big banks and cause a further crisis of confidence in the system.


II. Consumer debt isn’t a problem yet — but cracks are starting to show

Total household debt rose to nearly $13 trillion in the third quarter of 2017.
The subprime auto loan debt market is starting to show some cracks.
While this shouldn’t hurt the broader financial system or economy right now, it could be the start of a worrying trend.When will rising consumer debt start holding back economic growth?

According to the latest Quarterly Report on Household Debt and Credit released today by the New York Fed’s Center for Microeconomic Data, total household debt increased by $116 billion to reach $12.96 trillion in the third quarter of 2017.
Rising consumer debt: Not a problem, yet…….
According to a report from credit rating agency Moody’s, the US auto market plateaued in 2016 at 17.4 million units. Over the next few years, as leases runoff, the second-hand market will be swamped with oversupply.

III. Who’s Next? Venezuela’s Collapse Puts These Nations At Risk

Crypto Market Watch: 11/20/2017 8:38am PST
Bitcoin (BTC) - $8,247.70
Ethereum (ETH) - $363.49
LiteCoin (LTC) - $72.35

Data Dump:
*Marines land at CIA headquarters Langley, Virginia.
Estimated anywhere from 500-2200 marines. Likely seizing evidence and arresting CIA operatives on the spot. Trump goes in for the kill.

Former FBI Hal Turner reports: Sources close to Langley, Virginia have repeatedly said they saw marine helicopters and forces moving in towards the CIA headquarters on Saturday, November 18th. It's impossible to know because you must be an authorized vehicle to even get to the CIA headquarters in the first place. But it seems they were bombarded. It's becoming apparent that Trump is seizing and arresting the rogue elements of the CIA that plan to kill him for the NWO. It's rumored they were even planning a 'false flag' similar to the Las Vegas shooting. Has the STORM arrived??? Former FBI Hal Turner says so.

Some people around Langley even reported helicopter noise for 30+ minutes.

/pol/ Q anon 4 chan posts

*Speaking of 4Chan...
Last week 'Q' Annon mentioned that a rogue element in the CIA was in motion to stage a coup and/or false flag event.

Also, mentioned [L][d][R] = Lynn de Rothschild
(Note: I have not seen confirmation that Jacob Rothschild was on board)
Rothschilds own the Federal Reserve. New Fed Chairman was just named by Trump.

*Saudi Price Alwaleed Talal Admits He Sent Snipers to the Top Floors of Mandalay Bay

*FIJI Water - Trump gives big FU to Deep State during Address
According to the US State Department FIJI Water Company is up to their eyeballs in Child Sex Trafficking.
Also implicated during the Presidents address were MS-13 Gang Members.

Since the address there has been at least 6 earthquakes centered around FIJI. All of the quakes have been between 5.0 to 6.0 in strength. Were these brought on by HARP? Solar (there is a coronal hole facing Earth right now)? Collective Consciousness (all of our minds together are powerful and can shape reality)?

*D.C. in (walking cast)Boots
HRC and MCCain have been in walking cast 'boots' for weeks. Who is next?
John McCain -

*Uranium One FBI Informant Testifying Today
Informant has video of bribe money in suitcase being handed over.
Stories will begin unraveling this week.
Douche bags at Reuters News outed the Informant (hope he makes it to testify).

*1800 Sealed Indictments Across the Country

*Police Are Investigating Israeli PM, Benjimin Netanyahu, for Corruption. 6th Interview in Corruption Probe.
Will 'The Storm' hit Israel next?

*Former Oklahoma state senator pleads guilty to child sex trafficking charge: report

"The battleline between good and evil runs through the heart of every man."
~ Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

'We Are One'