pls do not worry about it, now korean buy big volme of ETH BTC, ETC, RIPPLE
only we have severl coins we can buy in KRW.
yesterday, the trading volume only in korea, coin/krw , $1,239,700,918 + SOME not calculated( one exhanges did not send the list of sales to
i checked this amount is only 93% of what we buying.
this volume is not including coin to coin base trading.
if the system has a problem the biggest looser is korean.
korean always ready to take a risk for any new era.
the crypto world is new, even there is some problem, in the end i think
there is prblem
now many koreans has some money to invest to make a profit
and now here, we have a perfect internet system, any place you can use wifi
with free of charge all day long sit coffer shop doing steemit,
i hope it will happen more often in the future, because the system is small
but many people looking for what is cryptocurrency