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RE: Bitcoin (BTC) Mid-Day Update: Precisiont HIT of Downside Elliott Wave Targets!! THIS IS THE POWER OF TECHNICAL ANALYSIS!!!

in #bitcoin7 years ago (edited)

STRATIS Looks like maybe e wave is getting closer or has broken through or is this just wishful thinking and greed sneaking into my thinking. You said "Once complete, a very bullish scenario to unfold as shown by the blue circled waves. Bear in mind that blue circled wave 2 could also represent a significant correction as this is in a log setting." This was 14 days ago in your Stratis Update.

Master haejin is it looking like a time to buy?


One more low is needed. your e isn't lower than red a and it needs to:

Sorry I wasted your time. I was looking at your previous chart and noticed the present price of Stratis was at the price area of of (E). I then wrote my message to you. Later I was able to look at the present chart on Bittrex and drew lines. I knew then that I was wrong. So it looks like the price needs to drop much more towards $1.50 before buying in. Great News! I love the idea of buying in cheaper for Stratis. I think this one is a Long Term Keeper with money to be made going up. Thanks for you time.

I wish you MASSIVE profits!