Overview of Digial Gold as a stablecoin

in #bitcoin5 years ago


Today, I will like to to share an interesting new project in blockchain technology. The overview of stablecoins by taken the Digital Gold Stable coin as an example. Digital Gold is an Ethereum-based ERC20 token. It is a stable coin, but it is somewhat adapted from acceptable fiat-based stablecoins. A Gold Token equals 1 gram (approximately 99.9%) of complete gold as in the afterward equation. Then, 1 gold token is price $50 approximately. So, the value of a gold token is anchored as the value of 1 gram of complete gold fixed. That is why we say that the Gold is a stablecoin. Gold is immutable about to the complete gold, but TUSD or USDT is immutable about to the USD. That is the aberration amidst the Gold Token and simailar crypto fiat-based stablecoins.


Digital assets are exceptionally volatile. The volatility of bitcoin (BTC) has been crumbling as compared to beforehand periods in the cryptocurrency’s now about 10-years in existence. However, in the nearest future, it is projected to be more volatile than fiat currencies, as able-bodied as physical commodity like the one it is a lot of frequently compared to gold. To be clear, bitcoin’s volatility from the angle of abounding market participants is beheld as a complete characteristic. Indeed, adverse to the features bidding by experts in the field, bitcoin has accustomed that millions of bodies would adopt to authority a bill that has the abeyant for value appreciation over one that is about stable. In short, bitcoin’s volatility has accurate to be a ‘feature’, not a ‘bug’. However, this affection is aswell preventing financial from acumen their abounding abeyant as an accession method of transaction and unit of benefit in the broader economy, and abounding feel the band-aid to this challenges will appear from stablecoins.

What is a stablecoin? As the name suggests, a stablecoin is a cryptocurrency that has been advised with the aim of aspersing value volatility. Digital Gold is an archetype of such a coin. A lot of stablecoins accept been advised to be according to the US dollar, the world’s arch assets currency. For example, a alone bill unit of the bigger stablecoin, Tether (USDT), is advised to be according to one US dollar, and for the about three years that Tether has been actively traded in the attainable cryptocurrency markets its Trade value has accurate to be about reliable in carrying on this architecture objective. Digital Gold has been advised to be according to the value of 1 gram of complete gold.

Why use a stablecoin?

Stablecoins can accommodate an analytical vault band for the Digital assets ecosystem. At a time, if you are bullish on bitcoin’s ‘digital gold’ investment thesis, and you accept it will abide to acknowledge and auspiciously store value over time, afresh bitcoin for accustomed purchases may be psychologically unappealing. In both of these examples, a stablecoin, bedfast appropriately as a store of value and boilerplate of exchange, could be bigger for use. Accession important point to accent is that stablecoins are price-stabilized financial , acceptation they blot abounding of bitcoin or ether’s a lot of smart features: programmability (e.g., smart network integration), ability (e.g., low-to-zero transaction fees, fast network times), fungibility, attainable (i.e., permissionless) access, and so on.

Main Stablecoin Architecture Types Stablecoins are one of the categories that best allegorize the amazing adroitness and accession underway in the Digital economy. A avant-garde array of adapted stablecoin designs accept been developed and appear to date, but broadly all stablecoins can be characterized as either a) ‘asset-backed’ and b) ‘algorithmic’. An asset-backed stablecoin architecture is one breadth some asset, a lot of about US dollars but added crypto assets like ether (ETH), is captivated in assets with the aim of acknowledging the stablecoin’s Trade rate.

Digital Gold is an asset-backed stable coin. In adverse with asset-backed designs, algebraic stablecoins administer a set of rules bidding in software cipher that attack to bout the team of the stablecoin with demand. An important point to Digital actuality is that there accept been, in contrast, stablecoins accept yet to launch. Of these two types of stablecoins, asset-backed has been the added accustomed to date, and represent 77% of all stablecoins. Further, some algebraic stablecoins as allotment of their rollout action as well blot asset-backing. Generally, asset-backed stablecoins are easier to accompany to market and simpler in their design, decidedly if they are ‘traditional asset-backed’ (eg USD, gold). No alt argument provided for this image Further, it is absurd than an alone architecture is optimal for all use cases. In added words, which stablecoin is ‘best’ depends aloft an avant-garde array of sometimes aggressive factors, including Intended use (e.g., concise trading store of value) Degree of adapted assurance abuse and decentralization Regulatory/jurisdictional compliance Scalability

Stablecoins can be alive for abounding of the beforementioned use cases as added financial like bitcoin, with the added benefit of value stability. Whether or not value adherence is adorable or an advantageous trade-off will depend on the alone ambiance and circumstances, but the smart point to accept about stablecoin use cases is that abounding of them are multi-trillion dollar opportunities. In added words, there is stablecoins accept the abeyant to abound into one of the largest, if not the largest, Digital asset categories.

Some use cases of stablecoins including Digital Gold are Medium of Exchange At present, any business would yield a cogent accident of accepting financial as a boilerplate of Trade due to the cogent volatility of this asset class. Stablecoins authority the abeyant to unlock and alleviate the use of digital currencies for daily payments for businesses and trade as price adherence is a key missing aspect for the acceptance of digital currency by merchants and retailers all over the world. Organization require a degree authoritativeness about their concise financial institution note and revenues. Transacting in ether or bitcoin would achieve the role of a treasurer a challenges task new project as the business’s collapse , how long it will take investor to survive if income is less than costs incur in runing business,this could abnormally affect business which is due to unfavourable market conditions.

dApps In the web 3.0 stack, decentralized applications (“dApps”) are accepting to be developed on top of infrastructure protocol layers. Abounding of those applications will acceptably await on price-stable cryptos to distribute value. Stablecoins should beforehand should be used as token accepting in dApps as users won’t be incentivized to hold (or sell) the token in the apprehension of approaching value appreciation (or depreciation). This should, in turn, admission the token acceleration and fulfill the potential of decentralized networks. dApps are the approach through which stablecoins are acceptable to be brought to the masses in the future.

Store of Value: A store of value is a commodity, asset, or money that retains its purchasing ability or value into the future. Some features crypto assets including bitcoin as too to be frequently accustomed as a store of value. Some organization working themselves over the long-term benefit. For example, miners are currently awful apparent to the value of the crypto asset they accept in appreciation for capital resources invested on miners.

An immutable asset of aqueous assets is bare to awning one-off added fixed costs such as purchasing hardware and on-going capricious costs (such as electricity). In the accustomed crypto ecosystem, volatility is currently accepting accent in fundraising via initail coin Offerings. Projects about accession an accustomed value of ether to store assets in the network to meet up on their promises. Due to the top akin of challenges associated with converting crypto assets into fiat, founding teams tend to authority a lot of of their funds in ether. In a buck market associated with falling prices like the present one, the project team would accept to bring the project to life and meet up with investor expectations while at time same time having less capital to work with at their disposal. Stablecoins is a new cryptocuurency that can help project developer to appropriately develop new project without fear of unforseen circumstance that had happened to previous ICO projects in terms of helping them manage their capital cautiously over the long-term.

Remittance Stablecoins annihilate price volatility risk that been expose to crypto payments while been processed.Using stable coin in accordant of this context, transaction would be accepted rapidly (ideally in less than a few seconds) to accommodate an acceptable user experience and a noteworthy beforehand compared to transfers relying on the conventional financial institution infrastructure i.e international financial transfers currently require up to three days to clear.

Find out about about Digital Gold project via the official Website,Whitepaper and social media channel below:
Official Website: Website: https://gold.storage/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/golderc20
Twitter: https://twitter.com/gold_erc20
Medium: https://medium.com/@digitalgoldcoin
Telegram: https://t.me/digitalgoldcoin

Bitcointalk Username: mycryptomarket
BitcoinTalk profile link: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1720674
Eth Address: 0x1682ae5e394b8Ccaa393Ca4485522AD385714f1f

Disclaimer: This presentation of digital gold is for admonition purposes alone and should not be construed as financial advice.


well only govt can run it

Great information. I admit I am crypto dumb. It does seem to have good and bad as with everything, but it does sound like something that would take govt regulation. I could be horribly wrong though. It will be very interesting to see how this unfolds.

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Nice write up. This is an interesting project. I have featured the post in the Pay it forward contest

I'm not really a fan of stable coins because it still requires a central authority to manage and maintain the peg but I can see its value in the current market state. I think I'll be making use of them more once we have better payment methods.

I think they would be great for eCommerce too. Until BTC reaches a level where the volatility doesn't matter too much, stable coins will still have their place