Bitfinex and Tether to "Destroy Crypto"? Basic Math Says No ...

in #bitcoin7 years ago


Remember the glorious days of Mt. Gox? And alas, we are still here! Also what he have now is a huge improvement considering we have nearly 100 times the market capital since the fall of the hidden mountain!

Alert! USDT will not destroy crypto!

Basic math. USDT is only accounts for about 2G$ of the total market cap! Even if the entire currency was liquidated, this only accounts for 0.5% of the current market cap of cryptocurrency. In other words 99.5% of the market cap is not in USDT.

Alert! Bitfinex is not a threat to crypto!

What is Bitfinex goes down - maybe you will see a strong retracement? Bitfinex, the #1 exchange, only handles about 10% of the total crypto volume. All calls for a "80% crash" and the like are absurd and have no basis. We are in a correction - it is a temporary bear market. The bull trend will resume as the world begins to adopt these amazing new technologies

If anything, this episode should advocate the need for decentralized exchanges.

Take care during the end of this correction!
Confidence 5.0/5.0


Standard Legal Note

These solely my own ideas. This is by no means professional financial advice and I cannot be held accountable for any investment decisions undertaken by reading this article.

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