A Valuation Prediction - Bitcoin

in #bitcoin7 years ago


In this article, Mt. Kander's data scientist (known as 'Marc') applies lessons learned from his days in gold mining as well as mathematical rules to predict the future of Bitcoin's value.

Valuation Prediction for Bitcoin

Forecasting is required in business. Without the ability to make accurate calls of future behavior the ability to maintain the necessary margins to continue business would dissolve.

I experienced this first hand excavating gold from the Ghanaian countryside. If you estimate the overburden is 2-2.5 feet and the mineral layer is about 1 foot with the density of gold ranging from 0.1 gram/ton – 0.15 gram/ton and a capture rate of 80%, but after moving the overburden you realize it is 2.75 feet thick throughout and the mineral layer was only .75 feet deep and you conducted a 100% capture rate resulting in only 0.05 gram/ton of gold then your ability to generate... continue reading on MTK