Besides developing software I review different programs from time to time that some of my subscribers ask me about. This is just my opinion on the program called BitConnect that has the potential to be a very big success or a very clever way to deceive a lot of people.
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Best advice I can give is start small and learn what your doing. If you lose $100 you wont be as bad off. But when you get comfortable you can start doing bigger amounts and get into better money.
@sk33t3rb0b I unfortunately will have to disagree with your assessment on BitConnect based on all of the reasons mentioned in my video, but thank you for commenting.
Sir sk33..., spamming every threads about bitconnect with your referral is not helping your cause :D
@sk33t3rb0b I appreciate the encouragement, but Bitconnect is a little out of my league.
I know this is an old subject, but here is my opinion on the Bitconnect Scam Debate.
I'm curious if you changed your mind even for a little bit, now ... after 2 months from writing your post?
@sabinp No my opinion has not changed on it and BitConnect as far as I'm concerned is operating just like it should be at this point. I will leave it at that as my videos speak for themselves as when you have been in this space as long as I have this is really normal activity. Everyone will see in due time.
THX. good points.
Also they are working with $ so let say you gave them 1BTC back in oct 2016 (=600$) after 9 months you get your 600 back + your 6$/days (1%/day) so 2220$
July 2017, Btc = 2600$ so you convert to BTC and end up with 0.85 BTC.
This example is extreme (you can withdraw your 6$ every day / reinvest them, knowing that your withdraw date will be pushed forward/ BTC will not increase as much (lets hope it will ..))
My point is that giving the risks we take (as seen in the video) the reward is not as great as it seems.
@dex0 you pretty much hit the nail on the head, but I'm not hating the program it is just that people need to know that it is very high risk.
Very true, comparing it to BTC Value-USD. When BTC calms down. Starts to level out, Would you consider this to be "not as good as it seems" still? Or would you consider this to be decent, reinvesting your profits till your making 80,000 a year or more as a side income. Not hoping the market doesn't fall or rise but just knowing your averaging about 1% a day?
Sure, i'm just concerned about the sustainability of bitconnect if the BTC loose 50% of its value during monthes like it did before. But I sincerely hope they proove me wrong. ANyway we will all be billionaires soon right? :D
Great video, has recently been looking at Bitconnect myself. It does seem too good to me truth.
Yeah, it makes no sense to me to give up my Bitcoin for BitConnect tokens in the hope that I will earn interest when the price of Bitcoin is going through the roof.
This is the main reason I feel people think its a scam. In a way bitconnect is trying to get peoples bitcoin promising them a percentage per day. Even if it may be 0% for that day. Right now it might not seem feasable as bitcoin, ether and all these other cryptos are skyrocketing but when they calm down? Compared to my bank... where my money was kicking it and gaining about .20 cents a month is now earning me $10, $20 bucks a day. Then it lets me cash out my profits at any point. If you have bitcoin to invest in what is just $100 in "profit" to test it out? Compound interest is pretty amazing. The biggest red flag I feel they have is that you dont see them on any other exchange like you mentioned.
@sk33t3rb0b what would put an end to all of this is if the developer or admin of the platform came out and at least showed themselves. This alone would put a lot of mystery to rest.
You're not calling bitconnect a scam. What are the reasons why you might have doubt?