News | 50 Cent gets rich with Bitcoin by accident

in #bitcoin7 years ago

One of the most exciting debates of recent months is the future of bitcoin. Now that the conversation has gone viral in the world, does it make sense to invest? Or has the fiber gone and it is more interesting to consider the Ethereum, the new fashion cryptocurrency? The latest news about Bitcoin will not shed much light on this controversy, but it shows that the visionary eye (and the cluelessness) that many had at the time has made them tremendously rich today. This is the case of rapper 50 Cent. According to TMZ, the American received 700 bitcoins as payment for one of his discs, and today they are worth millions.

We talked about the album Animal Ambition, from 2014. At that time, 50 Cent was one of the first artists to accept bitcoin as a method of payment for their work. Perceived 700 bitcoins; the price of each was around 662 dollars at the time, so it was made with a sum of 463 thousand dollars to change. Apparently, the producer forgot that transaction, which today, with a value of 11 thousand dollars per bitcoin, as collected by the Complex portal, amounts to 7 million.

If we take into account that Animal Ambition was for many analysts one of the musical failures of the year and sold only 124 thousand copies, we are talking about a business more than fruitful. The question is: should I sell those 700 bitcoins now, before their value declines? 50 Cent shared a capture of the TMZ publication in his own Instagram profile and, as some users of the social network have revealed, added the following comment: "If I am honest, I completely forgot about that".

Source Image:  Getty Images


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