My curiosity began after my coworker shared a referral address for the moon bitcoin and moon litecoin faucets. As a bitcoin faucet fills over time, the user can collect a small share every 5 minutes or once a day, to claim a larger amount. For a week I collected from the free faucet and began my journey with cryptocurrency.

The first exchange I joined is Kraken, a platform where a user can buy, sell and trade bitcoin. The verification process consists of multiple tier levels that determine a user's funding limit. Demand is high so the process currently takes a minimum 2-3 weeks.

The second platform I discovered is Coinbase, a great place for a beginners! Users buy and sell through their bank account, credit card or Paypal. All accounts offer a wallet that can hold or sell bitcoin, ethereum and litecoin.
Less than one month ago I purchased my first altcoins; ethereum and litecoin. Ethereum was $263 and litecoin was $38. CoinMarketCap is a great tool to track market cap rankings and to view current value in US dollars.
The following week I discovered that investors can purchase a unit of bitcoin. Companies like Coinbase allow you to buy as little as $1 worth of bitcoin! This purchase inspired me to learn more about digital currencies so I began to attend weekly bitcoin networking events throughout Miami. TedX Talks and YouTube channels are other sources that enable me to learn on a daily basis.
Fun fact!
Each unit of bitcoin, or 0.00000001 bitcoin, is called a satoshi.
p.s. Custom designed shirts are available to help inspire people about bitcoin.
i like it look cool
Thank you @sa2ideas