Bitcoin bid to buy Steem Numbers in a sideways pattern ((( NEED TO BREAK ABOVE 98 )))

in #bitcoin7 years ago

🐒 The amount of Bitcoin bid to buy Steem at Bittrex and Poloniex this morning when I took this reading at 7:00 AM EST and the combined figure was 82 Bitcoins and the Steem Price $1.00 . The highest combined figure before was 932 Bitcoins bid to buy Steem and Steem Price $2.60

🐒 It appears that Bitcoin Bid to buy Steem has created a sideways pattern between 43 and 98 I feel that the Bitcoin bid to buy Steem needs to break above this sideways pattern of 98 to really start a bull market for Steem .

Below chart since December 6 , 2016


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Today the amount of Bitcoin bid to buy steem is 82

🐒 It appears that Bitcoin Bid to buy Steem has created a sideways pattern between 43 and 98 I feel that the Bitcoin bid to buy Steem needs to break above this sideways pattern of 98 to really start a bull market for Steem .

that Bitcoin Bid to buy Steem... i like bitcoin..


good news tho to all investors....everyone can now see Steemit beyond now.. steem future is certain. Steem should grow grow fast that is what we are anticipated for.. so as to increase the bid price.

giphy-downsized (1).gif
nice post.



Bitcoin 😍👍❤️


Bitcoin Bid to buy Steem... i like bitcoin.. Thanks for sharing..

hey @me-tarzan ,,, you have colected,presented some awesome and very useful information. i am very happy on this article.

yo aun no e apredndio bien sobre esto espero aprenderlo pronto

Were still in the "accumulation" phase where professional investors buy up the stuff in preparation for the great big pump. Then, like clockwork, comes the selling to amateurs buying at all time highs. And last but not least, the part where pros laugh their asses off as prices plunge into the depths of a gigantic dump.

Very interesting, thanks!

Interesting one .. good news for Steem, everyone now see Steem beyond now but of future which also here. Steem need to grow up so as to increase the bid price for the Steem.

Thank you for sharing at all times, I am very grateful for what you do every time and the better change I am sure will come to me if I am sure and diligently pay attention to what you do this.

It appears that Bitcoin Bid to buy Steem has created a sideways pattern between ok..i like bitcoin.. and thanks for sharing..

@gentlebot please stop upvoting all these comment plagiarists. they're just mining the fuck out of the system.