in #bitcoin โ€ข 7 years ago

๐Ÿ’ฐ BTC vs ETH vs STEEM

๐Ÿ’ฐ Bitcoin price on December 5 , 2017 was $11,727 and today at 7:00 AM EST $7,979 on GDAX . Bitcoin has Decreased in value $3,748 or ( -31.96% ) in the last 60 days. That is an average Decrease per day of 0.53% in the price of Bitcoin.


๐Ÿ’ฐ Ethereum price on December 5 , 2017 was $462 and today at 7:00 AM EST $814 on GDAX . Ethereum has increased in value $352 or 76.19% in the last 60 days. That is an average increase per day of 1.27% in the price of Ethereum .


๐Ÿ’ฐ Steem price on December 5 , 2017 was $1.50 and today at 7:00 AM EST $3.53 on Bittrex. Steem has increased in value $2.03 or 135.33% in the last 60 days. That is an average increase per day of 2.25% in the price of Steem.



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๐Ÿ’ฐ BITCOIN ( -31.96% ) Decrease in the last 60 days

๐Ÿ’ฐ ETHEREUM 76.19% increase in the last 60 days

๐Ÿ’ฐ STEEM 135.33% increase in the last 60 days

Thank you so much for this useful report

Today was the best day in a long time for #cryptocurrency. On the surface, it may have seemed bad but anyone that truly believes in this crazy world should buy more on days like today.

Steem is the best.... I sent some to Binance and it arrived in 3 Seconds.

Good to see steem is along for the flippening ride.

Thanks for your valuable and informative post about ethereum,trading & so on.We can take out a lot of information by your post.By dint of we can increase our skill that is beneficial for all steemians.I will always visit your site & wait for your upcoming post.
Thanks .#me-tarzan
@Resteem,upvote & follow has done.

Please why is bitcoin having a hard time?
What alt coin in particular is making people to use it less?

I mean isn't that what drives up its value?

ย 7 years agoย (edited)ย 

Bitcoin is slow and expensive to trade.... Steem is super fast and free

Hmmn. Okay. However, I will raise my thumbs up for Steem once it could get changed into straight fiat without passing through btc or eth channels

But I guess such level comes with some demerits.

What do I know though. Just a blind crypto rookie trying to understand its ropes.

It's all speculation and people just freaking out for no good reason. Part of that is how the media reports on altcoins - they act like a small fall is a disaster - and that makes people panic. Those panicking people all sell, driving supply up and price down. That is what we are seeing right now. It sucks, but that is what happens with anything people treat like an investment. Just hold on until it goes back up in my opinion.

Okay, this is a good angle. It does really follow some basic rules no matter how crack heady it - crypto - can be.

More supply than demand, price goes downhill. Really nice angle.

VERY GOOD MATERIAL, the cryptocurrency market has had many variables lately!

It is interesting to keep up with the short term changes, but for the most part I think dealing with any altcoin is pretty easy - "Buy low, sell high"! People freak out about every little bump or dip (to be fair the media reports sensationally on the changes like they are world changing). Nice to see Steem growing, but Bitcoin will be back. Also, nobody here should panic if Steem takes a bit of a dip, just hold on until it goes back up. Buy low, sell high.

ย 7 years agoย ย 

Thank you for the info

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The crypto world has really taking a bashing, definitely. Bitcoin, the once doyen of the crypto world has been thoroughly flustered. However, I am an ardent believer in the fact that this madness will stop and the strong ones will continue their upward climb again. Keep the faith, if you understand the market.

๐Ÿ’ Hold LONG POSITION using this system

The Bitcoin price is from the Coinbase trading platform GDAX .
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Trading involves a high level of risk. Future results can be dramatically different from the opinions expressed herein. Past performance does not guarantee future performance. Consult an investment professional before investing.
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While it looks like a blood bath to everyone else I am still up MASSIVE!

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i think due to the attacks on bitcoin which affects all altcoins btc keeps falling and taking all down. posted on the main reasons. but am confident steem will surpass ether in value in coming years when the real potential is known to many. thanks for sharing this

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It is strongly recommended that you consult with a licensed financial professional before using any information provided here . Any market data or news commentary used here is for illustrative and informational purposes only.
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๐Ÿ’ Today Hold LONG BTC POSITION using this system
๐Ÿ’ By applying this system since May 24 , 2017 one could have gained $1351 per Bitcoin traded
๐Ÿ’ Two consecutive volume highs above 300,000 and Bitcoin price making new highs at the time I record the data (7:00 EST) = Sell to exit your long Bitcoin
๐Ÿ’ Next watch for Two consecutive volume below 300,000 = Repurchase the Bitcoin you sold

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