A good Motherboard list for Mining 2017 | Cryptocurrency Mining is increasingly a trend today, how not just by turning on your computer can make money by itself without having to work, just press the power button and money will flow automatically to your wallet. So that in 2017 there is a new name of stock GPU / VGA exhausted because of Mining Cryptocurrency, but how can it run out?
We will get more profit if it has a lot of hardware and high, if it is meant by Mining Cryptocurrency Use Computer then it has a VGA / GPU very much.
But how can i get 6 VGA so one in computer? Especially if the role Motherboard. Motherboard inside the computer serves as a workplace for several other components such as CPU, VGA, RAM, and Hardisk. Because Mining using VGA / GPU then required a motherboard with a lot of PCIE slots. Generally the motherboard has 1 PCIExpress, 2 PCIE, and 1 PCIE x1.
How to connect 6 VGA in one computer that is by using PCIE Riser. Generally PCIE Riser is used to connect components Computer hardware that will not fit into another place. In Mining, PCIE Riser serves to connect all VGAs in one Motherboard with USB cable connection, so Motherboard and VGA are different locations but are connected.
Although not all Motherboards have 6 PCIEs, most of which have as many PCIE's are only Workstation and Gaming series motherboards. But because many requests Mining Cryptocurrency then many vendors who release a good Motherboard for Mining.
Here's The Best Motherboard List for Mining
This motherboard is one of the best motherboards for Mining, having 1 PCI Express x16 and 5 PCIE x1 lets you connect 6 VGA to 1 at a low price. It has a full special feature of Mining in terms of Power and Durability. This motherboard is dedicated to 4th generation Intel processor users.
Still from ASROCK family that is H110 Pro BTC +. Excess Motherboard is not far from the previous generation of H81-BTC Pro, the main difference is the use of a newer processor that is Intel 6th and 7th generation, has additional features, especially motherboard resistance to heat and lan internet connection speed. The main feature of this motherboard is to have 11 PCIE x1 and 1 PCI Express x16.
Biostar TB250-BTC Pro
This motherboard has many features that are suitable for Mining one of them is to have 11 PCIE x1 and 1 PCI Express x16. Having a PCIE connection layout to a good Processor and Chipset improves the Hash earned. In addition to the slightly larger PCIE spacing decreases the likelihood level short with PCB / other cables.
Biostar TB350-BTC
Motherboards are specially designed for AMD series Ryzen / 7th APU processor. For the first time there is a special motherboard Mining with AMD processor. This motherboard has 5 PCIE x1 and 1 PCI Express x16, has a design and features not far away with TB250-BTC Pro.
In addition to some of the motherboard that I mentioned above there are many more good Motherboard for Mining, for example, motherboard gaming class. Gaming class motherboards also have 6 PCIE but the difference is price, Motherboard for Mining is cheaper and has many PCIE compared with special gaming motherboard that cost more expensive and generally designed to run 4 VGA only.
Gaming motherboard is also designed to be able to supply power to the VGA properly, naturally in 1 Motherboard there are 6 VGA which each need electricity from Motherboard and PSU then need a motherboard that has additional power source for Mining computer can run normally and stable.
That's a good Motherboard List for Mining 2017. If you have any questions and suggestions please feel free to comment or contact us in our Contacts. And if you think this article useful please share, Follow , and Upvpte @mavicorp
一个很好的主板列表2017 | Cryptocurrency Mining今天越来越成为一个趋势,不仅仅是打开你的电脑,而是不用工作就能赚钱,只要按下电源按钮,钱就会自动流入你的钱包。所以在2017年,由于采用Cryptocurrency,GPU / VGA有一个新的名称,但是如何耗尽呢?
如果它具有很多硬件和高级功能,那么如果采用“Cryptocurrency Use”计算机,那么它将获得更多的利润,那么它的VGA / GPU非常多。
但是如何才能得到6个VGA电脑呢?特别是如果主板的角色。计算机内的主板可用作CPU,VGA,RAM和Hardisk等其他组件的工作区。因为采用VGA / GPU,因此需要一个带有大量PCIE插槽的主板。通常主板有1个PCIExpress,2个PCIE和1个PCIE x1。
如何通过使用PCIE Riser在一台计算机上连接6个VGA。通常,PCIE Riser用于连接组件不能适应其他位置的计算机硬件。在采矿中,PCIE Riser用于将一个主板中的所有VGA连接到USB电缆连接,因此主板和VGA是不同的位置,但已连接。
虽然不是所有的主板都有6个PCIE,其中绝大多数PCIE只有工作站和游戏系列主板。但是由于许多请求Mining Cryptocurrency然后许多厂商发布了一个好的主板用于采矿。
该主板是采用最佳主板之一,拥有1个PCI Express x16和5个PCIE x1,可以以低价格将6个VGA连接到1个。它在电力和耐用性方面具有矿业的全部特征。这款主板专门用于第四代Intel处理器用户。
仍然是ASROCK家族,即H110 Pro BTC +。主板与上一代H81-BTC Pro不尽相同,主要区别在于采用英特尔第六代和第七代的新型处理器,具有额外的功能,特别是主板对热和互联网连接速度的抵抗力。该主板的主要特点是拥有11个PCIE x1和1个PCI Express x16。
Biostar TB250-BTC Pro
这款主板具有很多适合采矿功能的功能,其中之一就是拥有11个PCIE x1和1个PCI Express x16。将PCIE连接布局配置为良好的处理器和芯片组,从而改善了获得的哈希值。除了稍微较大的PCIE间距之外,PCB /其他电缆的可能性水平也会缩短。
Biostar TB350-BTC
主板专为AMD系列Ryzen / 7th APU处理器而设计。第一次有一个特殊的主板采用AMD处理器。该主板有5个PCIE x1和1个PCI Express x16,具有不错的设计和特点,与TB250-BTC Pro不远。
这是一个很好的主板矿物清单列表。如果您有任何问题和建议,请随时在我们的联系人中发表评论或与我们联系。如果你认为这篇文章有用,请分享,关注和Upvpte @mavicorp
Berikut ini Daftar Motherboard bagus untuk Mining
Motherboard ini adalah salah satu Motherboard terbaik untuk Mining, memiliki 1 PCI Express x16 dan 5 PCIE x1 memungkinkan anda menghubungkan 6 VGA menjadi 1 dengan harga murah. Harga H81-BTC Pro kalau tidak salah adalah 1 hingga 2 juta. Memiliki fitur lengkap khusus Mining dari segi Power dan daya tahan. Motherboard ini dikhususkan untuk pengguna Prosessor Intel generasi ke-4.
Masih dari keluarga ASROCK yaitu H110 Pro BTC+. Kelebihan Motherboard ini tidak jauh dari generasi sebelumnya yaitu H81-BTC Pro, perbedaan utama adalah penggunaan prosessor yang lebih baru yaitu Intel generasi ke-6 dan ke-7, memiliki tambahan fitur terutama daya tahan Motherboard terhadap panas dan kecepatan koneksi internet lan. Fitur utama Motherboard ini adalah memiliki 11 PCIE x1 dan 1 PCI Express x16. Untuk harga dibandrol dengan harga 2,6 juta.
Biostar TB250-BTC Pro
Motherboard ini mempunyai banyak fitur yang cocok digunakan untuk Mining salah satunya adalah memiliki 11 PCIE x1 dan 1 PCI Express x16. Mempunyai layout koneksi PCIE ke Prosessor dan Chipset yang bagus sehingga meningkatkan Hash yang didapat. Selain jarak PCIE yang sedikit lebih luas menurunkan tingkat kemungkinan short dengan PCB/kabel lainnya. Untuk harga dibandrol dengan harga 2 juta.
Biostar TB350-BTC
Motherboard didesain khusus untuk Prosessor AMD seri Ryzen/7th APU. Untuk pertama kalinya ada Motherboard khusus Mining dengan Prosessor AMD. Motherboard ini memiliki 5 PCIE x1 dan 1 PCI Express x16, memiliki desain dan fitur yang tidak jauh dengan TB250-BTC Pro. Untuk harga dibandrol dengan harga 2 juta.
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