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RE: The Investing World No Longer Makes Sense!

in #bitcoin6 years ago

Many folks wouldn't understand what it means to say "invest in a negative interest bond". Simply put, that means you are PAYING someone to take and hold your money for you. AND usually bonds won't have any kind of insurance or surety, unless they are government bonds, to guarantee you will get your money back. Even municipal bonds can be defaulted upon, and is in fact happening more and more these days. You would make more money by stuffing your mattress or burying your cash in the back yard than buying a negative interest bond.

And we are.


Except we average about 1.8% inflation per year (at least here in the US)... both options are equally bad. :)

True. So if you are PAYING for an investment, for someone else to hold your money, AND losing value to inflation, you are really getting screwed...oy!