My Crazy Crypto Dream

in #bitcoin8 years ago

Image of Yaktocat

With bitcion price crashing in January 2015 I was worried (to put it midly) and couldn't sleep for hours, then I finally nodded off and had this amazing dream, which I wrote down because it moved me so deeply.

Bit of background so it makes sense - I'm a musician and crypto enthusiast.

The dream:

I was poking a rifle through a fence and aiming at some horsemen who where charging past, saying to myself "I've only got one shot", and they were gone and I missed the chance to take it.

I recruited a child and some friends to go chasing after them. The child rode crazily on a bucking cow with massive horns. I asked, can that thing really go fast? I thought horses were faster than cows. The child didn't care and just yelled 'yeah wooo!' with the thrill of the chase, but soon, just down the track in fact, the cow tired and came to a sliding halt on it's knees, the child sitting on top not looking happy.

I ask some friends, can you guys shoot and ride fast? Go on get to it I need you to do it!

Then a spaceship came down and said "this is sad". I became the space ship and had a dialog with it/myself and flew off. It kept complaining about how it was always being forced through spaces that were too narrow for it and it was always going to fast and it felt like it was on an endless conveyor belt and it just wanted to get off and stop. Even the spaceship couldn't travel fast enough, to catch the billionaire money-ego phantom identity.

Then I was in a white room with a table and my family. It was a favourite musician's of mine's room somehow and we had dinner and I was all excited and wanted to be just like him, but he seemed slightly arrogant as he was a great artist. He had a clock on the wall that said "how to be humble" in big silly letters and the two times the clock could point to were "be forgiving" and "be just giving". I asked the musician what the time was and he said to never look at the clock. I looked and it caused me to fall of my chair and so I woke up.

I interpret this to be about my chasing of money for the purposes of power and ego, to give me something to be arrogant about to give me an excuse not to look at the how to be humble clock. Everyone in the dream was really me. I enlisted a child (me) to go on some impossible chase. As the spaceship said, (who it turned out was also me), it was a sad game, even a horrible one. Even the spaceship wasn't fast enough to catch a phantom Internet tycoon ego-identity.

The artist (also me) needed a how to be humble clock, but he refused to look at it, because I wanted to be arrogant, to be a great musician to keep me in my in my ego-shell and not need to look at the clock, which is 'the now'. It's significant that the "be forgiving" and "be just giving" were on a clock and not a random sign post. They represent what we are supposed to be doing right now now, they are the real show. Anything else is an ego-trip. Making tons of money and being a great artist are both ways to generate arrogance, so I can be busy worshipping myself instead of helping others.

I was amazed by this dream and consider it to contain a special message about obsession with crypto as an ego-trip.

Has anyone else had any crazy crypto dreams?


Well.......not right now but it will happen soon.

Not me not yet! But your story was amazing! Loved it!