Whenever you hear an “expert” speaking of bitcoin as a failure because it is not a real money (you can't buy a coffee without enormous fee), and can handle only 7 transaction per second… just remind him that bitcoin is a protocol. A program that can be drastically improved. And the improvements are coming…
Lightning Network (LN), launched on Bitcoin blockchain, got on April 4th the first Android user mobile wallet, marking a further milestone for the technology.
This software, released by technology startup ACINQ, is based on ACINQ's eclair (french for Lightning), a scala implementation of the Lightning Network. Devices running Android version 5.0 or newer, can now send Lightning payments, which should notionally cost a fraction of regular Bitcoin network fees and confirm almost instantly.
Eclair Wallet, available from Google Play Store is a next generation, Lightning-ready Bitcoin wallet. It can be used as a regular Bitcoin wallet, and can also connect to the Lightning Network for cheap and instant payments.
In March the first bitcoin mainnet Lightning Network went live, and a few more tools are coming soon. The exciting times are coming :)