US Marshals Auction Bitcoin Stolen By Rogue DEA Agents...Previously Stolen Separately By The US Government

in #bitcoin7 years ago

Remember Shaun Bridges and Carl Force?

Shaun 1.jpg

It's OK if you don't. Most people probably won't.

Shaun and Carl were both DEA agents working out of a Baltimore based task force on the Silk Road case, trying to shutdown trade for (mostly) illicit goods primarily settled in Bitcoin. A case, I must note, that is already quite controversial giving the extremely heavy-handed punishment that was ultimately handed out for what was essentially the operation of a website.

Anyway, both Shaun and Carl went rogue when presented with the tantalizing prospect of difficult-to-trace cryptocurrency delights. Shaun and Carl (attempted) to bail with Bitcoin valued at approximately $800,000 in 2015 dollars. Morality aside, probably a pretty good gamble if they had managed to execute a bit better.

Shaun 2.png

800,000/251.52 = 3181 Bitcoin heisted. Yowza.

That booty comes out to just shy of $30 million at current prices, and could be worth even much more in the future.

Anyway, long story short they were both busted, Carl copped to the theft first by pleading guilty and later Shaun was also successfully prosecuted and (much?) of the stolen Bitcoin was "returned" to the US Government, who had previously held title to it briefly since stealing it from free market participants at the Silk Road.

The total amount auctioned is only 2170 Bitcoin, so obviously only a portion of the ill-gotten (and semi-recovered) gains are being auctioned in this particular auction. However, a previous auction on January 22 also released 3813 Bitcoin to the market, so it is fair to say this is a regular thing. The market reaction is likely to be a non-event.

However, if you happen to have a spare $200,000 US to place down as a deposit, you too can earn the privilege of bidding on Bitcoins that not only will the government know you have afterwards, they'll know exactly where you have them! What a deal!

I wonder if these auctions coins actually sell at a discount, given what a pain this whole process is...

Incidentally, any claims that this is the reason for recent weakness in Bitcoin price seem specious. This is a fairly regular event, and not all that large relative to the market. Plus, these auctions take place off-exchange so directly they have no effect on price at all. Prognosticating on the causes of these drops is often pointless, and I think ascribing any causation to these auctions is of little merit.

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Sources: Google, CoinTelegraph, Zero Hedge, CoinMarketCap
Copyright: CoinTelegraph, CoinMarketCap


@lexiconical is difficult to make a validated opinion with so many possible reasons, is better to create and fail any opinion than not to have it.
I share your concern. I voted you.

Which concern is that?

Thanks for support @lexiconal I thinks about the reasons why bitcoin was dropping; this is a new market, there are lot of amount of possible reasons that influence bearish behavior. It is not only one condition.

The former CIA officer is suspected of distributing information to China that caused the death or imprisonment of about 20 American agents, in one of the worst violations of intelligence in decades.

Compared to G W Bush's WMD lies that cost 1million Iraqis and 3000US soldiers their life he's a saint. His only crime is not being high enough in the VIP ranking otherwise he would have got away with it.

There is likely a material difference of intent here. We're talking ignorance/stupidity (GW, not the rest) vs maliciousness/selfishness.

Lol classic government action...

The punishment for the silk road guys(was it owner/operator?) was a bit extreme, obviously they were trying to send a message, and of course it was pretty much BS. Easy to see coming with the agenda that is pushed though.

If someone was to buy this bitcoin, would they eventually be able to conceal it's whereabouts? Maybe just buy some monero with it? haha, not that I care, I can't put 200k down to buy a tenth of a BTC ;)

Yeah, you'd have to trade it elsewhere but there would still be a record. You could tumble it, I guess.

Brilliant post about uncovering truth friend! It's better if auction will not affect to the market prices!
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You shared a great news .... I do not know whether your news is true? But I liked your post very much

Bitcoin future is bright I know for sure

wow ! It's amazing and interesting too .................. I really like this post


Yeah, that would've been a smooth move if they had gotten away it. Not so smooth now lol. Yikes! Getting caught stealing from the American government...

Wouldn't want to be in those guys' shoes

Appreciated the anti-market interventionism rhetoric you layered in the post!

I'll take it a step further and say Maaaaayyynnneee, FUQ DA GOVAMENT

I'll become more pro-regulation if I ever see a regulator with both power and ethics.

True that.

I think the very notion of wanting to regulate is based on good intentions, or sound principles... The only problem is that the only form of regulation that has ever really been effective is self-regulation...

The idea that we can regulate others' is... a pipe dream fantasy...

We think we control others, and their lives, and how they will cook the fish, sell the bitcoin, pay the taxes... It'll never work that way...

I'll become more anti-voluntarism when somebody actually succeeds in making my life better for me against my will...

Remembers teenage years and father trying to prevent young teen mind from smoking pot or seeing friends - Yeah paternalistic figure knowing what is best for others always works out

nice post, you got upvoted and followed..

HmmMm just a fud I think Btc not stable within 2 months

wonder if this will just be dumped soon as its bought

hahahaha make him jail and try to recover htat btc quickly ..the good idea is to share with us

Dang.. that's wild! Interesting post. Thanks! Upvoted.