Plattsburgh Follows Through With Bitcoin Mining Ban On No Legal/Moral Grounds

in #bitcoin7 years ago

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Those damn, dirty apes are still at it.

Well, Plattsburgh went through with it. They have become the first city to ban (new) bitcoin mining - expect old operations to be targetted later.

After stirring up the requisite populist approval from local morons, Bitcoin now has the distinction of being the only legal use for electricity now unjustly banned on no fundamental ethical logic.

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Frankly, it was hard to sum it up better than these two gents from the interwebs.

This is exactly the sort of self-righteous, fascistic tack we can expect increasingly more groups of out-of-touch technopobes and government plutocrats, given their salaries depend on the maintenance of their monopoly ion seignorage and endless deficit spending and money printing.

This new regulation comes at a time of other concerns for Bitcoin miners. Owing to the extended drop in crypto prices and the near death cross on Bitcoin (50 DMA crossing under 200 DMA), mining profitability is not exactly at recording breaking levels. The whole reason these crypto-entrepreneurs are out looking for the best power prices are because they are already running on slim margins. This is a dangerous situation, as miners must be incentivized to continue processing transactions and preventing 51% attacks on the network.

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Chart courtesy ZH.

After the cost of hardware, constructions, refrigeration (often necessary), burned out components, and the inevitable tax of non-100% mining up-time...the truth is, Bitcoin mining is not that profitable right now. In fact, we're dangerously close to break-even for many miners as the decreasing rate of Bitcoin release comes up against the increasing rate of network hashpower and total miners.

In fact, yet another difficulty increase is just around the corner that will take another bite out of miner profits.

Though I may have supported less heavy-handed measures, such as graduated power rates that increase for users as they pass certain megawatt-hour usage rates each month, I can in no way support a complete ban with no moral or legal justification outside schadenfreude and jealousy. This is not an attempt to curtail power use, but ban and attack something new and different out of ignorance and malice.

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As if that ever stopped a government before.

I hope it costs the city governments their jobs.

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*Sources: Google, CoinTelegraph, ZH, Motherboard *
Copyright: CoinTelegraph,, Planet of the Apes


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