Rising Network Fees Are Causing Changes Within the Bitcoin Economy

in #bitcoin8 years ago


‘The Backlog is Vast, and Transactions Speeds Are Terribly Slow’

Another startup based in Ireland called Bitcart, a service that provides discount gift cards for bitcoin has also revealed some bad news for bitcoiners. The company has recently announced it will soon be disabling bitcoin from its interface and will accept Dash instead. Once again the decision is based on transaction congestion and rising miner fees the company details.

With No Solution in Sight, Other Startups Move to Altcoins

Of course, the subject of rising fees has led to discussing the scaling debate more frequently. One side blames people for blocking Segregated Witness while the other side is upset the block size of 1MB has not yet been increased. There are many heavily disputed debates happening right now across bitcoin forums, Facebook, Twitter, and other social mediums.