I don't usually read autobiographies but a few years ago I happened to stumble upon Steve Jobs' one. While I was skimming through it, one particular sentiment caught my attention. It did strike me because Steve, myself and the movie Idiocracy, happened to share the same idea: Humans enjoy being idiots.
I am noting "enjoy" because thinking takes effort. Also, Steve Jobs did not really call humanity idiots. More or less, he said that the reason for his success was because he invested contra to what everyone else was doing in regards to "advancing humanity". While hardware and software developers tried to offer more flexibility, functions and education in regards to using computers, Steve Jobs decided to go the exact opposite way. He designed products for people who had no idea about computers and had no desire in learning. In other words, he invested in human self perpetuating stupidity.
When visionaries hope to "educate" and "advance" humanity surely don't have this kind of dream. This is why most competitor companies who really did care about something better for their customers accomplished nothing. Today, we are faced with the same conundrum when it comes to cryptocurrency. Most people can barely go to the bank and sign for a loan. As of recently, most people had trouble using their debit card online. Now try to ask the average Joe to store keys and type long-ass sequences of letters and number without screwing up and you get an idea how far behind we are into wide crypto adaptation. This is why banks, politicians and bosses claim that they know what's best for us. This is how dictators get approval. Human passivity is one of the strongest forces in the universe if one knows how to utilize it.
The killer app — if there is such a thing in crypto — won't be a function. It will be creating an interface that will be even more user friendly that the use of credit cards and passwords. Even the pin system seems too much for many people. For anyone that tried to explain cryptocurrencies to people, they understand perfectly the void in people's eyes when you start getting into technicals. Nonetheless, this sentiment about oversimplification that has been growing on an exponential rate, can predict a lot of things about the future. For one, humans will become more and more dependent on others other than themselves.
Centralisation won't go away. In fact, it will become more popular than ever. Users will prefer entities like coinbase to hold their funds much like they prefer a bank to hold their money. The less they do, the better. Banks won't go away either. In an effort to compete with the market, they will lower their fees and offer similar services as other currencies. People who have no idea about crypto will prefer to stick with the "popular" state coin. We will be cashless but we will be more transparent than ever. Cash, the absolute king that gives power to average people will slowly become obsolete. This already has started with countries like India trying to go complete cashless. All transactions will be recorded unless you happen to be more tech savvy. Yet, very few will know how to use them.
Next time you take a look at your phone and you press those big square colourful buttons, think how we got to the point of using them daily. Why the letters become bigger and bigger? Why the images become more and more like street signs? Why do we want more and more simplification to have even more time to do the exact menial tasks? Our behaviour is a massive predictor. We only have to observe ourselves carefully.

Well then, I'm only going to keep feeding the animals in the Zoo just so long as they remain "cute". They are certainly no longer "interesting" LOL
I hate to admit the extent to which I think I agree with this article... lol
Here's the answer to difficult passwords and multiple keys.
Why can't people see that oversimplification is a natural response to overstimulation?? For people who have read the books by Dr. John Coleman (Tavistock Institute of Human Relations and Committee of 300), the problem AND solution are so obvious that they might as well be on a bilboard in Times Square. Life is not more complex... individuals in key positions of political and economic power are doing what they've always done: engineering society. Today, they have the benefit of technology to accomplish what they've accomplished in times past, which is basically a public society (as opposed to a secret one) that is more preoccupied with petty problems than the systemic causes of those problems. Read the books!! You won't regret it!
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It's a blessing we can use usernames on steemit to transfer funds instead of the complicated ways to transfer other cryptocurrency ... That's ease of use ... at least to some extent.
Bravo, my friend.
Laziness also trumps privacy. Take home automation; communication between you and your house is mostly done through the cloud, so it becomes quite easy to add to the huge data-gathering databases each and every light you switch on, curtains you close, your thermostat settings, and whatnot, in addition to your television, media viewer, and chromecast phoning home all the time, your locations being mapped, and your purchases being analysed.
Nobody cares about such things as long as it is convenient.
You are spot on: the first cryptocurrency that is properly marketed as a currency and can be used by vaguely waving your phone in the direction of your computer or a sales point will win. In the absence of that, fiat money will win. If it is a bank that is the first to come up with such a simplification, the banks will win even when cryptocurrencies survive.
this was hilarious. And now I am putting this in the blockchain, as my prediction for Dash (which aims for a Paypal-like experience), is $5,000 in 2 years. People like simple and Dash's main goal is to make it easy for grandmas...no other coin has that goal.
Many cryptocurrencies aren't even being marketed as a convenient currency. Odd. Being accepted by one of the big retail players in a simple way would do more for the price of Steem than any amount of ecosystem building, yet I haven't seen Steemit Inc.'s VP of M making any moves in that direction outside of the bubble walls.
Everyone watch this video and share it with your family this holiday.. it is our duty to help everyone become educated about the current financial system and the future of technology. Everyone needs to watch this video as we move into the age of the blockchain
I totally agree with you. We are too predictable, thats why we need to teach our kids to use their imagination more :)
Except you don't teach them, you let them be. They are imaginative by nature until we crush them with our stupid rules and stuff like school.
Oversimplification is also our reaction to our life becoming more and more complex. There is no single thing in our life that could be called stable and not prone to change nowadays, and that change is directed towards more complex organization. We save on big buttons what we spend elsewhere :)
I would have upvoted the title of this post even if the content is empty. That in anyway did not make the content of less quality. I am literally shaking
Marketing laziness is a wonderful marketing and Steve is smart to do that. But he is also contributing to enabling the human race. He has contributed to part of the laziness by not taking the higher road. Convenience sell and society wants to be serviced. We were once not that way. Thanks for sharing.
This made me reflect on my own relationship with technology. I must admit that nowadays I lean more towards simple interfaces and no fuss tech.
The ultimate killer app wouldn't be ease of use, but one that prevents people losing their currency or being stolen from
nice post and pic
Dont forget to upvote follow & resteem
the human need for difficulties to be erased (survival linked) warrants this