NBA Sports Owner Dallas Mavericks Will Accept Bitcoin For Tickets - Matches | 17/01/2018 |

in #bitcoin7 years ago

Dallas Mavericks owner Mark Cuban

Billionaire tech investor and owner of the NBA team The Dallas Mavericks write on Tuesday, Jan. 16 that starting next season, it will be possible to buy tickets to the team's games with Bitcoin.

The Dallas Mavericks won’t be the first basketball team to commence accepting Bitcoin as payment for tickets. The Sacramento Kings officially commenced accepting Bitcoin for promotional products as well as for tickets as far back as 2014.

Cuban is a prominent figure in the cryptocurrency industry. He is famous for not only investing in a digital currency hedge fund and an ICO but additionally launching the Ethereum-predicated cryptocurrency Mercury Protocol in August 2017.

Cuban’s view on cryptocurrency and Blockchain has transmuted multiple times over the course of 2017 -- he joined the voices calling the world’s leading virtual currency “a bubble” in June, but by October was claiming cryptocurrencies and Blockchain are the future.

In integration, Cuban included a tip to invest 10% of your life savings in Bitcoin in his video guide on ‘how to get rich’.

“If you’re a true adventurer and you authentically want to throw the Hail Mary, you might take 10 percent and put it in Bitcoin or Ethereum,” Cuban noted in the video.

While the cryptocurrency market is undergoing an arduous period, the fact that billionaire investors like Cuban, Thiel and Zuckerberg agnize the prospects of Bitcoin is a denotement of potential future magnification.
